Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Just Like Unicorns: 4 Common Myths About Kids’ Teeth & Dental Hygiene

Thinking your toddler is too young to use a toothbrush is almost like believing unicorns are real. Both are MYTHS, so don’t buy into everything you hear (children can actually start having their teeth brushed when their first few teeth have surfaced)!

Just because our babies are… well, babies… doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a healthy set of teeth as well as a pearly white smile. This means they should be brushing their chompers daily and should even be visiting a pediatric dentist regularly.

Here are 3 other common myths about kids’ teeth and overall dental hygiene debunked:

1. TRUTH OR MYTH: What children drink throughout the day has NO impact on their dental health.
Myth. People of all ages who drink 3 or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more fillings, tooth decay and tooth loss than others!

Try making healthier choices at home (and for school) by stowing away the sugary sports drinks or pop and picking up some hydrating H2O instead.

If you’re little ones aren’t really a fan of plain water, add a squeeze of fresh lime or some sliced cucumbers for some sugar-free, zero-calorie zing!

2. TRUTH OR MYTH: Brushing teeth is an activity most children dread because it isn’t a fun activity.
Myth. Depending on how you spin it, brushing your teeth can actually become something your tiny humans look forward to twice a day. Take them with you to the store to pick out their very own toothbrush, and help them choose a fun-flavored, fluoride-free toothpaste as well.

When it comes time to brush and floss each day, put on your child’s favorite song/video to dance to while doing his/her daily dental routine.

Before he or she knows it, brushing and flossing will be over, and it will be time for the next fun activity to take part in at home!

3. TRUTH OR MYTH: Kids typically don’t develop tooth decay at a young age.
Myth. This may be hard to swallow, but ONE in every SEVEN children have recently been
classified as having extensive or severe tooth decay and According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, more than 50 percent of children will be affected by tooth decay before age 5 (yikes!).

This dental condition, which is entirely preventable by the way, can cause unnecessary trauma to our children if they have to undergo fillings or extractions.

Implementing an easy-to-do oral health routine early on will help to develop optimistic attitudes toward dental health, as well as help prevent tooth decay and the not-so-fun consequences that may accompany those cavities!

Need to schedule YOUR child for first-time visit or routine cleaning with a pediatric dentist in your area? Contact Smiles-R-Us for Kids TODAY to make your appointment: (770) 214-5555 or visit us online at
SmilesRUsForKids.net for additional dental health information.

Here’s to a brighter, healthier smile at any age!
--Your Smiles R Us for Kids Pediatric Dentistry Team



Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trick or Teeth: 3 Ways to Keep Kids from Getting Post-Halloween Cavities

Halloween is just around the corner, which also means there are lots and lots of candies or sweet treats in your children’s near future (as well as your own!).

While it can be fun to dress up in costume and meander through neighborhoods gathering an abundance of sugar-laden goodness, this once-a-year activity can also wreak havoc in our mouths—specifically, in the form of cavities.

Here are three wise ways to keep kids from getting post-Halloween cavities this year:


Whether it’s just one piece or an entire handful, set a limit with your munchkins and enforce it.
When they’ve eaten their allotted number of candies for the day, make sure they know they CAN’T have any more until the next day or occasion you’ve set for them.

Not only does this implement portion control, it also teaches moderation at an early age.

Agreeing to something like this with your ‘mini humans’ seems fair enough, right?!

They indulge in an edible piece o’ fun, and within 5 minutes… they head to the bathroom to scrub down their chompers for a mere two minutes.

For them it’s a treat and for you, it’s a way to remain a vigilant part of Operation Anti-Cavities. Hey, it’s a win-win.

Creating a healthy bedtime routine for your little ones can start at the bathroom sink… with a good brushing, some floss and even a bit of mouth rinse for good measure. Once this regimen has been incorporated, it can roll into their pre-slumberland schedule year-round!

Another great idea for keeping your kids cavity-free this time of year (and throughout all the other calendar months too!) is to see a pediatric dentist regularly for X-Rays, a routine checkup and teeth cleaning.

This can help detect any dental abnormalities early on and protect your children from conditions like tooth decay or cavities before they’ve even gotten their permanent ivories.

For information about the best dental routine for your child or to schedule a pediatric dentist appointment contact Smiles-R-Us for Kids at: (770) 214-5555.

Here’s wishing everyone a safe, happy and cavity-free Halloween!
--Your Smiles R Us for Kids Pediatric Dentistry Team

Friday, October 21, 2016

The White Stuff: 3 Great Kids’ Dental Products to Help Keep Pearly Whites Gleaming

As fellow parents, our Smiles R Us for Kids team knows that getting your littles ones to brush their teeth can be a bit like wrestling alligators. In the dark. In the middle of a swamp.

The good news is, implementing a good dental hygiene routine at home can be easy… as long as it’s loaded with F-U-N for your munchkins.

Here are three of the coolest new dental products available today to help keep your children’s chompers in check:

1. ZOLLIPOPS CLEAN TEETH POPS. These are the coolest thing to hit the market since sliced bread. Actually they’re even cooler, because they were invented by a 10-year-old Michigan girl… oh and because they’re low-carb! Lollipops for kids—after a meal?! You read that right.

Here’s how they work: Each Zollipop is jam-packed with stevia, xylitol, erythritol and other natural ingredients your pediatric dentist would approve of.

The components of this product work to reduce acidity and raise the pH in your mouth, resulting in better oral health and in turn, fewer cavities (high acidity can lead to tooth decay).

These sweet suckers are an ideal alternative to candy and they taste amazing (yes, we’ve sampled some of them ourselves just to be sure).

Last time we checked, flossing was definitely not ranked as one of the most popular hobbies for adults… so imagine how un-fun it appears to be for our offspring.

Enter FlosSeas Flossers, a colorful and convenient way for children to learn to love using dental floss (on their teeth instead of as rope to tie their siblings to the bathroom door).

Each disposable piece is shaped like a colorful sea animal, and the floss is made from high-quality nylon to prevent breakage.

Although not intended for children younger than the age of three, these handy hygiene tools are a perfect way to introduce the habit of flossing to our Mini Mes.

For parents searching for a fluoride-free alternative to all those not-so-natural toothpaste products out there, this one is a true winner.

XyliWhite contains acidity-reducing components like xylitol, bacteria-fighting ingredients such as melaleuca and is sweetened naturally with stevia, sorbitol and actual fruit. Sounds so good you could eat it, right? Well you can (if you truly must).

In addition to visiting a pediatric dentist for regular check-ups, X-Rays and routine cleaning appointments, these three awesome products can help your kids stay on the path toward exemplary dental health into adulthood.

For additional recommendations for keeping your youngsters’ pearly whites gleaming and/or cavity-free, visit our web site or contact Smiles R Us for Kids to make an appointment today: (770) 214-5555.

Here’s to having the white stuff!
--Your Smiles R Us for Kids Pediatric Dentistry Team

Friday, October 14, 2016

Time for Your Checkup: When Should Your Child First See a Dentist and Other FAQs

As parents we are constantly striving to ensure our children have the most optimal health possible… from their immune systems to their hearing & eyesight to their pearly whites.

Many aspects of raising a beautiful, blossoming bambino are easy to keep up with, but others aren’t so self-explanatory… like maintaining a marvelous mouth!
Where should you start when it comes to your kids’ proper dental hygiene or keeping gums and teeth in good shape, you might ask? Start with this blog, of course!

We’ve pulled together some of the most frequently asked questions regarding oral health for your offspring:

1. When should I take my child for his or her first dentist appointment?
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), your little one should see a pediatric dentist when you see his/her first tooth, or at least by the time he/she turns a year old. Seeing a children’s dentist at this young of an age can help prevent dental problems from occurring early on.

2. How often should kids go to the dentist?
The AAPD advises parents to take their children in for a checkup every six months, in order to help prevent cavities or other dental problems. Your pediatric dentist, however, can provide you with a better idea of how often he or she should go in, based in his/her individual oral health.

3. Can the use of a pacifier or excessive thumbsucking be bad for my child’s teeth?
Possibly. Pacifier and/or thumbsucking habits may only become a problem if your child does it for an extensive period of time. While most kids have been known to discontinue these behaviors on their own, there’s a chance he or she could still be sucking his/her thumb or fingers past the age of three. In these rare cases, a pediatric dentist may recommend mouth appliance for your child.

4. How do I find a pediatric dentist that’s close to my home?
The AAPD has a web site to help you find a pediatric dentist office that’s most convenient for you. Just type in your city, state and zip for a list of professionals nearest you. If your entries result in "no matching pediatric dentist records were found," broaden your search by entering the state only or nearest city and state.

5. As a parent, how can I help prevent my young one from developing tooth decay?
Parents can help in the prevention of tooth decay by bringing their children to the dentist regularly, especially upon seeing your child’s first tooth emerge. After that, your child’s pediatric dentist can recommend a specific brushing and flossing regimen to implement with your kids. This oral hygiene routine, when added to regular dental visits and a balanced diet, can help your child develop a lifetime of healthy habits!

For more information about dental health for children, schedule a consultation or an appointment at Smiles R Us for Kids of Carrollton, GA today: (770) 214-5555 or visit us online by clicking here.