Friday, October 21, 2016

The White Stuff: 3 Great Kids’ Dental Products to Help Keep Pearly Whites Gleaming

As fellow parents, our Smiles R Us for Kids team knows that getting your littles ones to brush their teeth can be a bit like wrestling alligators. In the dark. In the middle of a swamp.

The good news is, implementing a good dental hygiene routine at home can be easy… as long as it’s loaded with F-U-N for your munchkins.

Here are three of the coolest new dental products available today to help keep your children’s chompers in check:

1. ZOLLIPOPS CLEAN TEETH POPS. These are the coolest thing to hit the market since sliced bread. Actually they’re even cooler, because they were invented by a 10-year-old Michigan girl… oh and because they’re low-carb! Lollipops for kids—after a meal?! You read that right.

Here’s how they work: Each Zollipop is jam-packed with stevia, xylitol, erythritol and other natural ingredients your pediatric dentist would approve of.

The components of this product work to reduce acidity and raise the pH in your mouth, resulting in better oral health and in turn, fewer cavities (high acidity can lead to tooth decay).

These sweet suckers are an ideal alternative to candy and they taste amazing (yes, we’ve sampled some of them ourselves just to be sure).

Last time we checked, flossing was definitely not ranked as one of the most popular hobbies for adults… so imagine how un-fun it appears to be for our offspring.

Enter FlosSeas Flossers, a colorful and convenient way for children to learn to love using dental floss (on their teeth instead of as rope to tie their siblings to the bathroom door).

Each disposable piece is shaped like a colorful sea animal, and the floss is made from high-quality nylon to prevent breakage.

Although not intended for children younger than the age of three, these handy hygiene tools are a perfect way to introduce the habit of flossing to our Mini Mes.

For parents searching for a fluoride-free alternative to all those not-so-natural toothpaste products out there, this one is a true winner.

XyliWhite contains acidity-reducing components like xylitol, bacteria-fighting ingredients such as melaleuca and is sweetened naturally with stevia, sorbitol and actual fruit. Sounds so good you could eat it, right? Well you can (if you truly must).

In addition to visiting a pediatric dentist for regular check-ups, X-Rays and routine cleaning appointments, these three awesome products can help your kids stay on the path toward exemplary dental health into adulthood.

For additional recommendations for keeping your youngsters’ pearly whites gleaming and/or cavity-free, visit our web site or contact Smiles R Us for Kids to make an appointment today: (770) 214-5555.

Here’s to having the white stuff!
--Your Smiles R Us for Kids Pediatric Dentistry Team

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